Friday, January 27, 2012


What do you get when you move a small town girl to a big city? A scared, terrified, trembling small town girl. O.K. let me be specific. Tognite was going great. The kids and I had a good time going to Petsmart and buying new things for the dogs. And then we came home and had pizza. (Kevin went with his dad to celebrate their first week of work.) The next thing that I know it is 11 p.m. Kevin and his dad are STILL gone, and guess what! GUNSHOTS! CLOSE! I know, I know... I am not unuse (is that a word?) to gunshots, but the only time I heard them back home, it was hunting season or someone was shooting at targets. The only "season" there is here in Vegas, is drugs, gangs, I don't even know what else. So, of COURSE, I call the police. They got here quick (something that would take a lot longer in small town usa), but that still didn't make me feel better. The officer told me that they thought they had found the house. Someone shot at a house. I was SHAKING! That could have been MY house. I know that no one in my house is involved with drugs, gangs or anything REMOTELY like that, but it still COULD HAVE BEEN ME! Just as I was thanking my lucky stars that I have my dogs, the operator from the police station calls and says that they shot a PERSON! OMG! It was right down the street! I called Kevin and he is on his way. But what is a dog going to do against a GUN?! Nothing! Thats what. I told Kevin that we need to move. He says not to worry. We don't have any enemies. Or do anything that would get us mixed up in that stuff. I DON'T FEEL BETTER! I want to move out of Vegas. I am not so nieve to think that there isn't any crime in my hometown. I know that there is. But I don't like living in a place where on a daily basis my husband tells me, "That's a gang banger. See the colors he's wearing and the signs he is throwing up?" OK you all know me. I honestly didn't know that you only wear certain colors in certain gangs. I guess, I look pretty silly. But I honestly CAN'T TAKE THIS CRAP! Sorry, I know that this blog is usually a happy blog about my kids, but I needed something to do with my hands instead of bite my nails. So, I will end this blog with I hope everyone is safe and sound in their homes right now. And say a prayer that the person who was hurt will be ok. I know she/he will be in my prayers tognite. God Bless us all!

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