Thursday, February 16, 2012

a FUN filled weekend

This past weekend kicked our butt! Friday, Izzy and I went to Walmart for the midnight release of Breaking Dawn.We stood in line and had a LOT of fun! Then we woke up on Saturday and cooked a big breakfast. Kevins' dad stayed the night Friday. So my kids were excited that they woke up to grandpa!
We had to get moving soon after waking up and go to Kevins brothers to work on his yard. What we thought was going to be a two hour job, ended up taking us ALL DAY! By the end of the night we were soooo exhausted we could hardly keep our heads up!
All of the following pictures chronicle the weekend. More are sure to follow as this weekend, Kevins Grandpa is coming up for a visit from California. Lots of fun to follow FOR SURE!

Luke LOVED the dirt!
Kevins brother Billy and his wife with Samantha. Billy was working hard!

The whole family sitting down for lunch. We weren't even halfway done!
This is Grandpa with all the Grandkids. Even Alani calls him Grandpa. He is such a WONDERFUL man!

This pic is too cute not to explain. The little girl sitting next to Luke is Alani. We have known her since Luke was a newborn. Luke tells anyone that asks, that Alani is his girlfriend.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

update: we are a 3 dog home now......diffrent than I expected

Ok so here is the update. Yesterday afteroon the neighbors came home. (same neighbors we got Maiah from.) They have been leaving Ropa in the house at ALL TIMES because she breaks out and comes over to play with Fancy and Maiah. Well, they got home, the mom yelled, and Ropa ran out and into my yard. Then I found out what happened. Ropa tore up the blinds in their house. So they offered us Ropa. At first I was ready to say YES! But then I started doubting myself. Kevin came home and I filled him in. I was arguing the point that they need ALL their shots, spayed, wormed, etc. We also would have to build up the fence. Ropa hops it like its only 2 feet tall! Kevin said "Lets keep her. Then we are done." I laughed. OK We have 3 dogs and 3 kids.
But Ropa needs a new name. Any ideas? She is destructive and VERY hyper. I walked her and Maiah yesterday and I don't know who was more tired, me or them. But I guess the positive is, I have a reason to wake up and go on long walks now! Thats something!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

The saga of a 3 child home and only 2 dogs!

Ok. Now growing up we always had just one dog. First was Toby, then Boomer, then Gabby. But always just one at a time. We currently have 2. This pic is of Fancy. She is Izzy's. Period. She LOVES Izzy and would go into a burning building for her. I think its funny that the dogs
have favorites. But they do!
Here is Fancy and Izzy cuddling. They have an unbreakable bond..
Here is Maiah. She is Kaylee's. She LOVES her. Funny how they pic their own kid!
This pic shows Luke happily holding onto both of "his" dogs. I think the only reason he likes sissies going to school is he gets the dogs to himself!
This is Kaylee with HER Uncle Dale. She has a special bond with him....They are ALOT alike!
So to explain the last picture I am going to post, you have to hear this. Uncle Dale and Aunt Yvonne are staying with us while they wait for their apartment to get ready. They have a small dog named Achillies. He is a BOY! Who do you think Achillies picked?

Yep! He picked Luke. They play, sleep together, EVERYTHING! Achillies LOVES Luke. Uncle Dale told us today that they are moving tomarrow. My sweet little Luke said, " Mom, they aren't taking Achillies are they?" I responded, "Yes baby, he is their dog." Luke started crying and held Achillies tight. "No Mom! He is MY dog! He's a boy just like me!" I feel so guilty! I had no clue that Luke and Achillies would fall in love like they have. I told Luke that maybe for my birthday I will get a small dog like Achillies. He looked at me with tear filled eyes and said, "But can he be Achillies mom? Can you give Uncle Dale a new one and I will keep the old Achillies?" Gulp........Sometimes it SUCKS to be Mom, and have to give your little ones bad news! I will fill you all in on the saga of Achillies soon! Say a prayer!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Our fun day

Luke and I cooked cupcakes today. He LOVED it! He thought it was the coolest thing that he got to stir. He's laughing at the bottom picture because his spoon fell in. He is so cute!

This is Luke posing for the camera. He told me "Take my picture mom."So I took it and then showed it to him. He respnded, " I look cool!"

I have to agree. He truly is one of the most handsome little men in the whole world.

Today, Luke and I cooked cupcakes. We had a good time. He thought it was sooo funny that his spoon kept falling into the cupcake batter. I am so happy that I caught him laughing. Its a priceless picture! When the girls got home from school

I look at my son and feel like I am the most lucky mom in the world. And then I look at my girls and I feel the same way but times 3. I truly wish that I could have these wonderful children as CHILDREN forever. Izzy is already so grown.  I wonder how I will feel in 4 years, if I will
want 10 back. Right now I am so happy with my life. The circumstances in my life aren't perfect, but the happiness that I feel when I look at my children, makes my life seem happy.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Update on last blog

Ok, sorry that it took me so long to update everyone, but here is what I have found out. The news said that the police are looking for a suspicious vehicle wanted for questioning in a drive by shooting. Ok. What happened to the person you may be asking. I looked on the news service here online for our local newspaper and it says that a person was shot in a drive by shooting. It gave the correct adress, went on to talk about the vehicle wanted in the crime, and said that the person was released from the hospital of Saturday. So at least no one was seriously injured. That is good. I am sure if more information is found I will pass it all on to you. I have to get going to the store with my hubby. We are going to Home Depot. So much fun I can barely contain myself! Love to all!

Friday, January 27, 2012


What do you get when you move a small town girl to a big city? A scared, terrified, trembling small town girl. O.K. let me be specific. Tognite was going great. The kids and I had a good time going to Petsmart and buying new things for the dogs. And then we came home and had pizza. (Kevin went with his dad to celebrate their first week of work.) The next thing that I know it is 11 p.m. Kevin and his dad are STILL gone, and guess what! GUNSHOTS! CLOSE! I know, I know... I am not unuse (is that a word?) to gunshots, but the only time I heard them back home, it was hunting season or someone was shooting at targets. The only "season" there is here in Vegas, is drugs, gangs, I don't even know what else. So, of COURSE, I call the police. They got here quick (something that would take a lot longer in small town usa), but that still didn't make me feel better. The officer told me that they thought they had found the house. Someone shot at a house. I was SHAKING! That could have been MY house. I know that no one in my house is involved with drugs, gangs or anything REMOTELY like that, but it still COULD HAVE BEEN ME! Just as I was thanking my lucky stars that I have my dogs, the operator from the police station calls and says that they shot a PERSON! OMG! It was right down the street! I called Kevin and he is on his way. But what is a dog going to do against a GUN?! Nothing! Thats what. I told Kevin that we need to move. He says not to worry. We don't have any enemies. Or do anything that would get us mixed up in that stuff. I DON'T FEEL BETTER! I want to move out of Vegas. I am not so nieve to think that there isn't any crime in my hometown. I know that there is. But I don't like living in a place where on a daily basis my husband tells me, "That's a gang banger. See the colors he's wearing and the signs he is throwing up?" OK you all know me. I honestly didn't know that you only wear certain colors in certain gangs. I guess, I look pretty silly. But I honestly CAN'T TAKE THIS CRAP! Sorry, I know that this blog is usually a happy blog about my kids, but I needed something to do with my hands instead of bite my nails. So, I will end this blog with I hope everyone is safe and sound in their homes right now. And say a prayer that the person who was hurt will be ok. I know she/he will be in my prayers tognite. God Bless us all!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Sick Day

Yesterday was an EXHAUSTING day. Kaylee was sick with a fever so, my poor baby girl was very miserable. She was cranky but when you have a fever I know you feel icky.  :(

Kaylee laying down coloring. She took her shirt off cause she was hot!
This is the picture that Kaylee was drawing. She's good for a 6 year-old, huh?
Isabel is my big girl now. You know that right? This is her newest routine in the morning before school. She showers, brushes her hair and teeth, puts on perfume and lipgloss. Then she spends 20 minutes doing her hair and looking in the mirror. lol. Well, yesterday she decided to wear her hair in braids. She looked so cute.
Too cute, huh?

Yesterday, besides Kaylee being home sick, we have a busy day. Our neighbors gave us Maiah! YEAH! And Kevin had school. So we only saw him for 20 minutes before he had to leave. The kids and I had a good evening though, We made spagetti and garlic green beans, and french bread. It was VERY good. Then the kids slowly started to fall out. First was Kaylee at 7:30, Luke went minutes later here on the couch, and Izzy was out by 8. I was excited that they all went to sleep so early. But I was NOT excited this morning. It was soo early that I really can BARELY call it morning! At 2 am Kaylee came in and wanted to watch a movie.....I be honest, I was sooo DELIRIOUS I am not sure! I know she wanted SOMETHING! Geez, I feel  like a bad mom now! And then at around 4 Luke came in. He sat down and started talking. The sweet boy sat there and talked until Kevin got up at 4:45. Kevin looked at him and said, "Buddy, don't you want to go back to bed? Its EARLY!" Luke replied, "No dad. I'm good." Well it is now almost 10 and Luke is sooooooooooooooooo CRANKY. The kid needs a nap! Well, I am going to sign off for now. Pray that Luke will take a nap!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

3 Wonderful Babies=1 GREAT weekend!

This is what happens when you
allow a three year old, who is obsessed
with super heroes, dress himself.
"Look mom, I am SUPERMAN!"
(a pic for the future Mrs. Lucas Willhite!)
Kaylee took a pic of herself.
She told me to post it.
"I love THIS one, Mom!"
I love it too. You can
see all her freckles!
Our neighbors dogs, Maiah and Ropa
with Izzy last nite.
They "break out" every evening
and come over.
Its a slumber party with two
95lb. shepards!
Fun for the kids and dogs.

This weekend we had a GREAT time. We had dinner with Grandpa Dale on Friday and relaxed. Saturday, Kevins brother and his wife, came over for dinner. We had baked ziti, my favorite! Then, tognite, Grandpa Dale came over for ham. It was nice to visit with him. Lately that is a highlight for us all. I think losing Barb made us all want to hold onto one another a little tighter. Hold on and do more. I made Dale his meals for the week so all he has to do is heat them up. I was disgusted with the fact that he admitted he eats once a day. He eats in the evening and even then its something easy. I feel like Barb would have helped Kevin if I was gone, so its my responsibility to help Dale. He is so grateful and kind about it....I just feel bad for him. I made him tacos, chili, burritos, and leftover ham. I wish that I could do more. He is a wonderful man. With my own Dad(s) being so far away, it is nice to have someone like him in my life. He is truly a DAD, not an in-law. He is always there when we need him and I know that we will always be there for him. Anyway, better get to bed. Love you all. XXXOO MJ

Saturday, January 21, 2012

My three beautiful babies. All asleep.

As a mom of three children I will admit there are days when I feel like nothing that I do is good enough. Then there are days where I seem to be enveloped by goodness. Today was a combination of both. The kids were REALLY good for spurts and REALLY bad for others. My father-in-law babysat them tognite for a little bit, while Kevin and I ran errands. When we got back to his place, arms laden with pizza and breadsticks, you honestly would have thought we were Santa Claus! I am very blessed that my children still get excited over a $5 dollar pizza. They can be very easy to please! So anyway, Kevins dad filled us in on how the kids were for those couple of hours that we were gone. Luke was trying to eat grandpa out of his house! Dale said Luke asked for cheese ,burritos,pizza,soda, etc. As Dale was telling us this, Luke started in with his version. "I asked grandpa for cheese, he said no." he said with a big grin on his face. He then went on with EVERYTHING he asked Grandpa for that Grandpa said no to! Kevin, Dale, and I just laughed. It was sooo funny. Then Izzy started in on her day at school, and kept rambling, and rambling.....The reason she was so chatty, was Grandpa was itching her leg while she was talking to him. So she just kept going....and going! :) Kaylee just drew pictures and ate candy and most of his peanuts!
So we were enjoying hearing our kids, and Dale, laugh about everything, when I started to look around. Kaylee was on her 5th piece of pizza, Luke at 4, and Izzy 2. Between the three of them they cleared through a large pizza! I am going to go bankrupt when these kids are teenagers! lol
To end the tale of our day, Izzy cleaned grandpas house, we did the laundry and dishes and then we headed home. The two little ones fell asleep at Grandpas house on his floor. They didn't wake up even when we moved them in and out of the house and car. They were TIRED! Izzy stayed awake, of course, she is my night owl! But they are all tucked in now and sound asleep. o.k. I have to go! Our neighbors dogs "broke in " to my yard and are barking and whining to be let in. Two 80 pound sheperds are not anyone to ignore!
Hopefully our Saturday will be good. Good nite all. Have a blessed weekend!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

our happy morning

                                                 Luke loves his cereal. Yummy!

Today we had a much calmer morning. After all of the excitement with Kevin going back to work, he came home last nite and told me that he is done with that job and they were going to call him today, and tell him when and where he is going to work. I immediately felt deflated....I finally thought after 3 weeks we were going to get a check. Oh well. :) I woke up this morning exhausted. I was up until almost midnight, because my lovely husband wouln't get off the computer! So, I woke up the girls, and want a shock to your system? KAYLEE WOKE UP! AND Izzy WOULDN'T!!! What a shock! But I got them both up and ready and all us girls sat down for our ritual hot choclate. Kevin laughed at us and said we looked like little old ladies with our morning coffee. Which, might I add, was exactly what my husband WAS drinking! lol. We had a good morning though and everyone got off to school with a smile and warm bellies. It was simple and happy. Can't really ask for more! I will fill everyone in on our day later tognite. I have to go and stop my demolition man....He is tearing up my house!!! Love to everyone.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Where did Grandma go? In the eyes of a 3 year old

O.K. to tell this story I need to give some background. My husbands mother, Barbara, passed away suddenly December 5, 2011.She was only 52 years old. She was sick, but her death came as a complete shock and horrific suprise. She went into the hospital Sunday morning around 6 am and passed away monday morning at 3. So, my children were obviously upset. Unfortunately, they had just lost our family dog,Princess, about a month before. So much of the talk of what happened, where she went, and why, had been explained. But we all struggled. My son, Luke, who is only 3, obviously took it easiest and we kind of assumed he was so little he didn't understand. A few things he has said but nothing of any significance until the other day.
Tuesday, 1/16, Luke was watching cartoons. All of the sudden he walked over to me and said, "Mom, where's Grandma?" I asked, "Which grandma, bubby? Gigi?" "No mom! My grandma who died." I looked at him and thought, I told him didn't I? I know I told him many times Grandma is in heaven. Unsure of what he wanted I said, "Grandma is in heaven buddy." He looked at me like I just didn't get him. "No, mom! I know she is in heaven with Princess. Where is heaven?" I looked at him and sighed, "Heaven is in the sky." "Oh, o.k." and back he went to playing. I thought that was the end of it until tognite.
It was late tognite(1/17) and both of my girls were sound asleep. I went back to check on them and Luke was laying in his bed wide awake. He asked if he could lay on the couch in the living room with me and go to sleep. I said of course and helped him carry his pillow and blanket to the couch. Luke laid down and was quiet for a good 20 minutes. All of the sudden his little head popped up and he said, "Mom, where is Grandma?" My stomach sank. Here we go again. I told Luke to come sit by me. He walked over to me and said "Mom, she is in heaven with Princess and Santa right?"
"Yes baby." I quietly answered. I didn't know how Santa got in the mix, but there he was. "And heaven is in the clouds right?" "Sure baby." I replied. He seemed to be satisfied with that answer. About 10 minutes later he threw me another one. "Mom, can you talk to God?" "Of course baby. When we pray we are talking to God." "Oh," was all he said. Then he looked at me with these deep blue eyes that pierced through my heart. "Mom, can we ask God to send Grandma and Princess back home? I miss them." Just typing this, the tears are back. But this is how I responded. " Baby, when we die we go to Heaven to be with God and Jesus because that IS our home. Our new home." Luke looked at me and these words will forever be burned into my heart. "I just want Grandma to come and get me ice cream. I just want my Grandma back. " Barbara's special thing with the kids was ice cream. That was their special treat.
Tognite as I get ready for bed, all I can do is pray that Luke finds peace in my response. "Grandma will always be with you. Everytime you eat ice cream or give grandpa a hug she is there. She may be in heaven, but she loved you so much you can feel her love, even though she is far away. " Luke gave me a kiss, (ok so I asked him for one, he didnt volunteer it) and then laid down. Just when I thought he was asleep, he looked at me and smiled and said, "Mom, grandma wants you to give me some ice cream. " I laughed and said "Maybe tomarrow honey."
Meet my WONDERFUL babies!

Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you meet my three beautiful babies. 
My oldest is Isabel Mae. She is 10 years old. Anyone who is a mom of an older child, ok, tween, will understand this statement. She drives me CRAZY! There are moments when she is like, "Mom, what can I do?" She will clean up her mess, help clean up after her siblings, she is just soooo good. And then.....hormones......I get sassy Izzy! She sticks out her tounge, pouts, backtalks, and is just such a ......whats the word?.........GIRL! But, even when I get that Izzy I still look at her and feel soooo blessed to have her in my life. (Even though when I ask for a kiss I get a peck on the cheek! What is up with that?)  She is truly a good girl.
Next up is Kaylee Anne. At 6, she still loves to get dirty, play with her baby brother, and sit on my lap. But she also wants to wear lipgloss, wear skirts, and get her hair curled in the morning like her big sister. She is stuck in the inbetweens. I see alot of my sister Olivia in Kaylee. She is as tough as nails and as innocent and sweet as a baby. She is my child that got hit by the car,broke her left femur bone, held her leg and walked to the curb. Crying....But the dr and paramedics said there was no way that she walked. But she did. I was in shock and couldn't move...But Kaylee walked. :)
My third baby is blessedly still that, Lucas Allen. At three and my only boy he is a handful. Right now he is going through the TERRIBLE threes but they don't seem so bad. Maybe its because he is my baby and everything he does is still so cute... Or maybe its because I look at him and see one of my favorite people in the whole baby brother Luke. O.K. so maybe its silly that I named my son after my brother but they are both such good boys.....And Big Luke(my brother) was such a joy in my life that I wanted to have a piece of him with me all the time.And now I have a son who has embodied so much of  all the good of my brother it is truly eerie. Luke will play for hours with his cars or throwing a ball, that sometimes I catch myself seeing my brother at his age. He still loves his Mommy and loves to give kisses. He worships his sisters and thinks that they are the BEST thing! I know that the day will come when being the only boy won't be so cool. But for now life is still simple.

Ok, so you met all my babies. Lets fill you in on this morning. My husband, Kevin, finally got a call to go back to work. YAY! So he woke me up, and I woke the girls. Izzy gets up most days without complaint, where Kaylee WILL NOT MOVE! She is my child that could sleep for 12 hours everyday amd STILL not want to wake up. Let me be honest, she isn't crabby, she just doesen't want to move. She becomes a rag doll. So this morning, Izzy popped right up and Kaylee threw the blankets over her head. The only way I got Kaylee to move, was to carry her to the tub. If you have a child like Kaylee, the best way to get them moving is a shower or bath. Its much quicker than fighting with them!  After they were up and dressed I made some hot cocoa, and they skyped with Aunt Marie and Kaitlin. Then we had to get ready to go out the door. We literally live across the street, so they walk there. But Kaylee needed shoes. And Izzy had to go potty. Every minute Izzy was yelling, "What time is it mom?" I would answer and Izzy would say O.K.Meanwhile Kaylee was looking for her boots. In 10 minutes  she managed to find 1. By this point Izzy was out and ready to leave. Wallball championship this morning you know.....Big day! Anyway, we ended up NOT finding the boot, so Kay had to wear sneakers and she was NOT happy. But what can you do? haha.
So Luke just woke up. He is my only breakfast as soon as he's awake, kid. So he's sitting on the floor watching Sesame Street with a big bowl of cereal and a nanner (bannanna). Anyway, I  better go for now. If I don't get some household things done, my hubby is going to take away my computer! LOL. Talk to you all soon.
Mary Jane