Monday, February 6, 2012

The saga of a 3 child home and only 2 dogs!

Ok. Now growing up we always had just one dog. First was Toby, then Boomer, then Gabby. But always just one at a time. We currently have 2. This pic is of Fancy. She is Izzy's. Period. She LOVES Izzy and would go into a burning building for her. I think its funny that the dogs
have favorites. But they do!
Here is Fancy and Izzy cuddling. They have an unbreakable bond..
Here is Maiah. She is Kaylee's. She LOVES her. Funny how they pic their own kid!
This pic shows Luke happily holding onto both of "his" dogs. I think the only reason he likes sissies going to school is he gets the dogs to himself!
This is Kaylee with HER Uncle Dale. She has a special bond with him....They are ALOT alike!
So to explain the last picture I am going to post, you have to hear this. Uncle Dale and Aunt Yvonne are staying with us while they wait for their apartment to get ready. They have a small dog named Achillies. He is a BOY! Who do you think Achillies picked?

Yep! He picked Luke. They play, sleep together, EVERYTHING! Achillies LOVES Luke. Uncle Dale told us today that they are moving tomarrow. My sweet little Luke said, " Mom, they aren't taking Achillies are they?" I responded, "Yes baby, he is their dog." Luke started crying and held Achillies tight. "No Mom! He is MY dog! He's a boy just like me!" I feel so guilty! I had no clue that Luke and Achillies would fall in love like they have. I told Luke that maybe for my birthday I will get a small dog like Achillies. He looked at me with tear filled eyes and said, "But can he be Achillies mom? Can you give Uncle Dale a new one and I will keep the old Achillies?" Gulp........Sometimes it SUCKS to be Mom, and have to give your little ones bad news! I will fill you all in on the saga of Achillies soon! Say a prayer!

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